Have Geek, Will Toon!

Here are some of my HGWT toons and links to my related travel blogs, as well as some of my LinWorkman.com art and travel posts.

Yes, Lois- there is a Metropolis.
Metropolis (2009)
I feel Super- thanks for asking! (Metropolis 2010)
Super-sightings! (Metropolis 2011)
Super-sightings! Metropolis pt2…Enter Jor-Elvis!!! (2011)
Super-sightings! Metropolis pt3…Artists Alley/Writers Way and Market Street (2011)
Metropolis or bust..! Metro Comic Show (2011)

Off the drawing board and kitchen table- Superman Celebration art (2012)
To the Batmobile- and Metropolis! (2012)
Superman Celebration 2012 pt1- The Road To Metropolis!
Superman Celebration 2012 pt2- Day 1: Opening Ceremonies!
Superman Celebration 2012 pt3: Artists Alley/Writers Way- costumes, art and George Pérez!
Superman Celebration 2012 pt4: “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…Lois Lane!”
Superman Celebration 2012 pt5: Best (and worst) Dressed Supers in Metropolis!

“These Boots Were Made For Drawing, And That’s Just What I’ll Do..!”- My Supergirl Sketchcover
Happy 92nd Birthday to Noel Neill- the Original Lois Lane and First Lady of Metropolis! (2012)
Happy Birthday, Noel Neill- The First Lady of Metropolis and Original Lois Lane! (2013)

Super-summer pt1: My trip to the 2013 Metropolis Superman Celebration
Super-summer pt2: My trip to the 2013 Metropolis Superman Celebration- Last Day

What do Superman and Catsup have in common?
Metropolis, IL- home of the TARDIS..?!
Happy Superman Day (2021)

“What happens in Metropolis…usually ends up in my blog.” Superman Celebration 2015 memories
The Adventures of Lex- My Metropolis Superman Celebration Rescue Kitty (2015)
Things Were “Sketchy” For Me At This Year’s 2015 Metropolis Superman Celebration- And I Loved It!

Super-George painting
Art To Go (Metropolis 2009)
Sketchy- (sketch from my pal Truett 2009)

“Check Out” the Animation and Comic Book Art Display at Hernando Library
Just Super- my Christopher Reeve Superman Sketchcover
Drawn to Metropolis- Action Comics Sketch Cover

Super Day Trip To Metropolis- Pt1: Krypton
Super Day Trip To Metropolis- Pt2: Sign(s) Of The Times
Super Day Trip To Metropolis- Pt3: Super-Rides

Buliding A Better Batcave: My New And Improved Art Studio/BatMan-Cave
The Bat, The Cat, The Clown..? (GPW 2009)
Lin Live@9 (airbrushing a Harley Quinn painting on Ch3’s morning show)
“To The Library, Robin!” My Bat-Display Celebrating The Batman TV Show’s 50th Anniversary
To the Batmobile- and Metropolis! (2012)
“Holy-Hooray-For-Hollywood, Batman!”- My trip to the Hollywood Museum
“Holy-Matrimony, Batman!” Our geek wedding cake topper
Cats and Bats (Batman art show and our new kitty Harley Quinn)
2020 Drawing To A Close- What I’ve Been Up To Lately Pt1: Riddler
“Riddle Me This, Batman…!” My Riddler and Batman Sketchcovers
“Who Was That Masked Woman..?” – The Oracle Mask I Made For My Wife
Mask Monday: “Z For Zorro..!” – My Zorro Sketchcards for RRParks Cards

Adventures of Batboy: a weekend of baseball, batcaves, atomic batteries, fireworks and deathly hallows!
“Believe it or not…I met Ralph, the Sundance Kid!” (Cape-Con 2011)
Cape-Con and May The Fourth Be With You! (Cape-Con 2010)
More Capes (Cape-Con 2010)
Cape-Con Continued (2010)
The Hottest Con In The World…PHX! (Phoenix Comicon 2010)
She said, “Yes!” (Phoenix Comicon 2010- engagement)
River City Comic Expo- my first and not last!
Sketching in Artists Alley at the River City Comic Expo 2015
Batman VS Superking – My Latest Sketchcover
“The Joke’s On Who?”- My Two Latest Sketchcovers
“It’s Ladies Night!’- My Harley Quinn and 13th Doctor Sketchcovers

Con Etiquette and the Art of the Portfolio Review Part 1
Con Etiquette and the Art of the Portfolio Review Part 2
Con Ettiquette and the Art of Portfolio Reviews Part 3
“Hey, when/where is that cool convention?” The who, what, when, where, and why that should be on your website
Con games- the business of putting on conventions
Con Games- Sketchy Business: What Is The Future Of Artist Alleys And Drawing At Comic Cons
Ghost Rights- What’s legal and what’s right..?
“Opinions Are Like…Well- You Know.” My Opinion On Opinions And Art
“Expose THIS!” My True Feelings On Working For Free
Southern Exposure- My Thoughts On What’s Good Exposure For My Art And What’s Not
The Hottest Con In The World…PHX! (2010)
She said, “Yes!” (PHX Comic Con 2010 engagement)
Phoenix ComicCon 2010 Podcast
Not at Comic Con (Broad Ave. Art Walk 2010)
My Day Trip To Wizard World Nashville 2013
Rockin’ In Memphis- My Day Trip To The Memphis Comics and Fantasy Con
“Working For The Convention Weekend!” – Memphis Comic Expo October 22 & 23
MidSouthCon Memories- my weekend in Memphis (2014)
Flashback Friday: Red Bank, NJ- home of The Comic Book Men
The Backwoods Comics Festival- Good Southern Fun!
Down The Road- This Year’s Summer Con Schedule For Me (2015)
Flashback Friday- My Delta Fan Fest Adventures (2016)

The DeeP! (comic shop- Hunstsville, AL 2010)
The party’s over (FCBD 2009)
One week ago- #FreeComicBookDay (2015)
Happy Free Comic Book- and Star Wars Day…May The Fourth and Free Comics Be With You! (2013)
Free Comic Book Day Is Back! (2017)
Hitting The Pavement For Free Comic Book Day 2017
Marvel Team-Up Back Issue Spotlight On CBP Podcast
Getting sketchy with it for a good cause! Spider-Gwen Sketchcover
“Things are a bit sketchy as I draw a blank!” Drawing on blank comic book sketch covers for fun and profit.
What am I up to..? Giving away a sketchcover!
“Trickster Treat- No Joking!”- My ‘The Flash’ Sketchcover
“Meanwhile On Earth-3..!”- My John Wesley Shipp CW Flash Sketchcover
Flashback Friday- My Zee Flash Sketchcover
Blast From The Past- My Bushi Tales Sketchcover Commission From MCX2017
When Life Gives You Snow- Buy Comics! How I Supported My Comics Habit As A Kid
“Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Draws Whatever A Spider Can”: My Spider-Man Sketchcover
Captain America VS The Red Skull Sketchcover
Drawn On The 4th Of July…Finished Sometime Later. My Latest Captain America Sketchcover
“Hey, where the super women at?” Cryptozoic’s DC Women Of Legend Trading Cards Available 9/13/13 & New Sketchcards By Me!
MSCA Zine Art- “The Good, The Bad, And The Sketchy”
Back in the saddle (stitch) again! New Sketchcovers
“How Much Is That Sketchcard In The Window?”- Why I Charge What I Charge
Ultraman Sketchcards Revealed (RRParks Cards)
2020 Drawing To A Close- What I’ve Been Up To Lately Pt2: RRParks Cards
MSCA Zine Art- “The Good, The Bad, And The Sketchy”

“Have picnic basket- will travel!”
It’s A WAYback Weekend- Rocktober And My Hand In Rock103 History
Back In The Saddle Again- My Recent Surgery
It’s a Major Award. I won it! Fra-gee-lay. That must be Italian.
“Don’t Quit Your Day Job, Kid!”- What My Day Job Really Is

Popeye’s on vacation- in Chester, IL
What’s all the hubbub, bub? (1st HGWT blog post)
“What’s up, DAC?” DeSoto Arts Council’s Annual Member Appreciation Reception (2011)

Leland Frog Fest- just a hop, skip and a jump down Hwy 61!
New Chair For Charity- 37th Annual Orpheum Auction (B.B. King)
Prom Night 2009 (Memphis Blues Bros.)

Toadal Recall: Leland, MS- Home of the Frog
Toadal Recall 2: Little Rock Boogaloo! If Kermit won’t come back to us, we go to Kermit!
“The Devil Is In The Details” – My Repair Job On “Darkness”
“Spider-Head, Spider-Head…” – Repainting “The Thing”

Green Hornet- so close, and yet so far…(My movie review)
The Muppets movie tugged at my puppet heartstrings!
My Wicked Chair Helps Raise Some Wicked Money For A Good Cause!
My Phantom of the Opera chair goes for “chair-ity”- The Orpheum’s Annual Auction
“Frankie Goes To Hollywood: Abnormal Monsterpieces” art show at Theatre Memphis this October 11 – November 3
My “Frankie Goes To Hollywood” Art Show Reception At Theatre Memphis Was A Monster Of A Good Time!
“He’s the hairy-handed gent…Aaoooooo” – My “Werewolf Of London” Sketchcover
Monster Monday- My MANOS: The Hands Of Fate Sketchcards

Down on Bad Dog Street…
11-11-11 Nigel Tufner Day Celebration!
Just Another Busy Weekend With More Plans Than Time (2011)
Lin in RSVP Magazine’s March Issue- pick up a copy around Memphis, no reservations needed! (2012)
A Couple of Days at the Museums- My Visits to the Pink Palace and Brooks Museums in Memphis
In your face 3-D! My trip to American Paper Optics
A Journey To The Green Dragon Public House- Hobbits Welcome!
Adventures Of Making Pfunky Pancakes And Getting Your Geek Drink On!
It’s A WAYback Weekend- Rocktober And My Hand In Rock103 History
Drawn To Teach- My Upcoming Cartoon And Airbrushing Classes At The DeSoto Arts Council
“Eh- what’s up, DAC?” – Teaching Kids To Draw Funny!
“Where’s Workman?” (2014)
Long time no blog- what’s been happening in my world lately (July 2016)
Back In The Saddle Again- My Recent Surgery
Why do humming birds hum? Because they don’t know the words! New pics
“Why do birds suddenly appear…?” Hummingbird pics pt2

“Location, location, location!” Touring a cemetery in New Orleans for my birthday.
“Here fishy, fishy, fishy..!” My trip to the aquarium in New Orleans!
Things are a bit DEAD around here- “Deadworld” sketchcards approved!
“There’s a freakshow. Freakshow, baby, baby On the drawing board. It’s just a freakshow!” Carnival Sketchcards
I love you, Mom! (2011)
My little buddy Zayne is gone. (R.I.P. Zayne- 2010)
“We Love Kitties!” – My Kitty Mural For The Tunica Humane Society
November already? (2009)
KISSes, dahling!
Birth-day becomes Birth-week! (2009)

Star Wars Gets FOXy! (Lin on FOX13)
Vader Unmasked (sketch)
Work continues…(MidSouthCon/Memphis Fan Force 2009)
It’s “Star Wars Day” and “Read A Comic In Public Day” (2010)
Star Wars…nothing but Star Wars..! (Topps Empire Widevision)
The Lefty Strikes Back! (Empire Widevision)
Sketchcards Have Left The Building! (Empire Widevision)
“Yes, Admiral- ya bum!” (Michael Sheard/Admiral Ozzel
It’s a boy and a girl! (our Star Wars kitties Zayne and Jarael)
Lin’s two minutes of fame on Fox- and sketchy details about Star Wars Galaxy 6
Not so long ago, in a galaxy pretty darn close… (Galaxy 6 and Harley Quinn painting)
An Emperor’s Hand- And My Left (Star Wars Galaxy 6 sketchcards)
Sketchographs (Star Wars Galaxy 6)
Animated Anakin (Star Wars Galaxy 6)
Last weekend in an arena not too far, far away…Star Wars Crystal Ball!
Lord Vader will see you now. CLICK Magazine pic
Star Wars Crystal Ball 2012- behind the scenes
Back To The Drawing Board For Topps’ Star Wars Galaxy 7
Sketching in a galaxy far, far away…Star Wars Galaxy 7 sketchcards
Like father, like son and like mother, like son- more Galaxy7 sketchcards
Topps’ Star Wars Galaxy 7 cards available in stores and on-line

Shadowcon GOH Appearance This Friday and Saturday and Star Wars Galaxy 7 Artists Returns Now Available
Happy Free Comic Book- and Star Wars Day…May The Fourth and Free Comics Be With You!
M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your library’s display case! Our Star Wars, Hockey, and Comic Displays
“Star Wars: The Fanboy Stays Awake” – And Spoiler Free To See “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”!
In a FedEx Forum not too far away… (Star Wars In Concert 2010)
“In A Basketball Arena Not So Far, Far Away…STAR WARS!” #GrizzStarWarsNight
Return of the Sketchcard- My Latest Topps Star Wars Sketchcards
Stars Wars Chrome Perspectives- my recent sketch card gig for Topps
“You rebel scum!” My Topps Star Wars Rebels Sketchcards
Valentines Day Sketch Card Sale on Topps Star Wars & Mars Attacks Artist Returns! (2013)
Sketchcards- How I Drawa Jawa
“The Palpy Bunch” – new Star Wars Galactic Files sketch cards approved
Star Wars Galactic Files ep2- “Attack of the Copics”
Star Wars Galactic Files ep3- “Revenge of the Sale”
Star Wars Galactic Files ep4- “A New Hunk (of sketchcards!)”
Star Wars Galactic Files ep5- “The Empire Draws Back” (more sketchcards) and MARS ATTACKS in stores today!
Star Wars Galactic Files ep6- “Return Of The Lefty!” (More Sketchcards!)
Star Wars Galactic Files Sketchcards- In The Home Stretch Now!
Star Wars Galactic Files Sketchcards- Final Approvals and Artist Returns!
Star Wars: Episode IV- “The Galactic Files Returns” or “The Artist Returns Strike Back!” My Topps sketchcards for sale.
“Lord Vader will see you now.” My sketchcards for the 501st Legion
I Drew A K-2SO Star Wars Sketchcover- The Captain Said I Had To.
Bistan- My Latest Star Wars “Space-Monkey” Sketchcover
Wednesday Drawing Nights At The Cellar: My Pao And K-2SO Star Wars Sketchcards
“Tanks A Lot, Cap!”- My Star Wars Tank Driver And Captain America sketchcovers
“This Is The Way” I Drew A ‘Baby Yoda’ Sketchcover

Space Truckin’ With Capt. Kirk
Have Geek Will Travel- In Style! T-Birds flew into Memphis
The DeeP! (comic shop- Hunstsville, AL 2010)
WHO-dunnit…Cosplay Adventures and Celebrity Encounters at Con Kasterborous 2015!
Doing a bit of time traveling to ConKasterborous this weekend!
“Lin Who?” – My Time In Artists Alley At Con Kasterborous
Knock-knock! Who’s there? Doctor! Doctor Who..?! (and Superman Celebration tees)
“This Means War”- My Doctor Who War Doctor cosplay Part 1
“This Means War”- My Doctor Who War Doctor cosplay Part 2
“I DRAW GROOT!”- My Guardians Of The Galaxy Sketchcover
Rocket Raccoon and Groot- My Latest Sketchcover
Transformers: Sketchcards in disguise! New cards for Breygent to share.
“Artist Returns, ROLL OUT!” My Transformers Sketch Cards Are Now Available!
Going Ape On Sketchcards (Space-Monkeys)
The Day The Toons Stood Still
“Klytus, I’m bored. What painting can you offer me today..?” The Creation Of My Ming The Merciless Painting
“Hot Dog!” My Encounter With The World Famous Oscar Mayer Wienermobile!
On the road again (Goon signing at C&C’s and Nashville road trip 2009)
Think Pink (Palace)
Peace On Earth, And Art On Area 51’s Wall

Look, Up On My Shelf- It’s Major Mars!
Lin Live at 9 Monday (MidSouthCon 2010)
Midsouthcon 2015- Thar’ be Dragons…and bats!
MidSouthCon Memories- my weekend in Memphis (2014)
I get around…or at least my art does. (Oct. 2010)
The Art Show Is Afoot!Sherlock Holmes art show- Theatre Memphis 2010) 
Elementary: The many friends and family of Lin Workman (Sherlock Holmes art show reception- Theatre Memphis 2010)
“Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam..!” – ‘Spamalot’ comes to Covington, TN in March
“I don’t like SPAM- but I loved SPAMalot!” – Monty Python in Covington, TN
Lin’s t-shirt design “Abby Normal” now available on-line at World of Strange!
“Geeking Out!”- My Have Geek Will Travel Blog And Comic
I’m A POD-Person…Again! My New Podcast “Drawing Funny” Is Now Available
Monster Monday- My MANOS: The Hands Of Fate Sketchcards (RRParks Cards)

“You’re a tourist, Harry!” My trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter pt.1 Gringotts (2014)
“Diagonally!” My trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter pt2 Diagon Alley (2014)
“Bartender- another round of Butterbeer!” My trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter pt3 Let’s eat- and drink! (2014)
“Don’t talk rubbish. There is no platform nine and three-quarters.” My trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter pt4 The Hogwarts Express (2014)
Hoggy-Warty-Hogwarts! My trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter pt5 Attending Hogwarts (2014)
“You’re on the GIANT screen, Harry!” Harry Potter movie series at the Pink Palace
“You’re a wizard, Harry!”- new resin sculpt
Have broom, will travel! Harry Potter toon
Adventures of Batboy: a weekend of baseball, batcaves, atomic batteries, fireworks and deathly hallows!
A Journey To The Green Dragon Public House- Hobbits Welcome! (2016)
“He’s the hairy-handed gent…Aaoooooo” – My “Werewolf Of London” Sketchcover

Playball and light the fireworks! (Autozone Park 2010)
Just A Hunka-Hunka-Hockey! Elvis Night With The Mississippi Riverkings
“RiverKings Art for Autism”
Hockey Update and Con-Funk (Riverkings & MidSouthCon 2011)
Back in time- a quick look back at my St. Louis trip (2014)
Predator Hockey Mask Design Contest- Pekka Rinne as “PREDA RINNE”
SMASHVILLE or Bust- My trip to the home ice of the Nashville Predators!
Hatch Show Print Tour And Playing Tourist Around Downtown Nashville, TN
Cleveland Rocks, And Memphis Has The Blues, But Hernando SKATES! (2015)
Adventures of Batboy: a weekend of baseball, batcaves, atomic batteries, fireworks and deathly hallows!
My “Go, Tigers- GO!” chair goes for $1700.00 in the annual Orpheum auction!

“Rorschach’s Journal: April 1st, 2017. How I Created My Rorschach Cosplay- No Foolin’.”
Hitting The Pavement For Free Comic Book Day 2017 (Rorschach cosplay)
Rorschach’s Journal- Custom POP! Created By Me…Hurm.
Flashback Friday: Watchmen In NYC
“Goodbye, Radio Rogues…”- I’ve Said Goodbye To The Rogues Radio Podcast
Dead Man Walking-10 Feet Off Of Beale!

Nashville Comics and Horror Fest- the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly! (2011)
Cosplaying in Memphis- photos from MidSouthCon 34
Confessions of a Closet Cosplayer
“Smiling Is Not Consent” – Con Cosplay Courtesies

Flashback Friday: This Post Is Long Overdue- My Trip To The NY Public Library (2019)
Flashback Friday: “Hey, Does This Pole Still Work..?- My Trip to Hook & Ladder Co. #8 (2019)
Flashback Friday: “I’m Here To See Dana Barrett.”- My Trip To Central Park West (2019)
Flashback Friday: Memphis Ghostbusters pt1 – “Ghostbusters: Afterlife…FINALLY!” (2021)
Flashback Friday: Memphis Ghostbusters pt2 – “Bustin’ In Memphis w/Ray Parker, Jr!” (2021)
No monsters under my bed, but plenty on my drawing board! Scaring up some new sketchcards.
A Halloween Treat- my Monsterpieces in Airbrush Action Magazine (2010)
Monster-Pieces (SIVAD tribute show 2010)
SIVAD Blog Mention

“Bustin’ Makes Me Feel Good!” – Pt1: Memphis Ghostbusters
“Bustin’ Makes Me Feel Good!” – Pt2: DeSoto County Ghostbusters
She said “Yes!” 1 year ago today!
This week The Addams Family Comes to the Orpheum Theatre- and so does my art! (2012)
Zombies invade Memphis…AGAIN! (2011)
“It’s Showtime!” – New Strange And Unusual Drawing Funny Podcast Anniversary Episode

Scared Silly toons
A haunting we will go… (Oct. 2009)
Drawn (Oct. 2009)
Rain, rain, go away… (Oct. 2009)
Mummy Dearest (2009)
Something Wicked This Way Draws Near! (2009)
The Party’s Over- for now! (Art Show pt1 Oct. 2009)
Art Show pt2 (Oct. 2009)
Is it Halloween yet? (Art Show pt3 Oct. 2009)
I’m A Media Ho! (Go Memphis 2009)
364 days ’til Halloween, Halloween, Halloween…! (2010)
October art updates- sketchcards, art show and haunts! (2013)
“Who ya gonna draw?” – My Ghostbusters Sketchcards

“Chair-ity” for the Orpheum- My MEMPHIS Chair For The Orpheum (2011)
Bidding in Memphis! My MEMPHIS Chair For The Orpheum (2011)
New Chair For Charity- 37th Annual Orpheum Auction (2015)
Lin by Lin- My “Hamilton” Painting For The Orpheum’s 38th Annual Auction (2016)
Orpheum Theatre Auction This Sunday Benefits Artists…Like ME! (2012)

“A Dickens Of A Christmas”- Our Visit To Franklin, TN (2017)
Hockey Thursday and Fanboy Friday- my Thanksgiving Black Friday trip to Nashville (2013)
Hockey Holidays- Our Christmas Trip To Smashville (2013)

New Year- new projects? (2011) 
Flashback Friday: Being Local Tourists pt1 – Hernando Skates (2021)
Flashback Friday: Being Local Tourists pt2 – Downtown Discoveries (2o21)